Listen to your intuition.
What is your intuition? It is that knowing, that feeling, that voice deep inside that it is louder and more present than anything else. It is that feeling you get when something is just not right and no matter how many times you go over it in your head, it still does not feel good in your gut. It is that unshakable unmistakable voice inside that tells you when something is wrong or something is right.
So often people ignore that gut feeling that says just take the leap, or don’t take it at all and end up suffering.
Here is the thing about that voice inside, it comes from your soul, it knows you and your path better than anyone else in the world can. Other people can help guide you and mentor you and help you plan, but no one absolutely NO ONE can know what is best for you but you! Don’t listen to the people around you, listen to your inner voice. Get quiet, get still, be alone, write, figure it out.
When you know, you know and it does not matter how many times someone outside of you tries to tell you differently, that deep core truth will always remain constant.
Example: I was in a relationship with someone I really felt inside was untrustworthy. However given my previous track record I chalked it up to learned trust issues and kept moving forward. In speaking with friends they assured me it was likely my own “stuff” coming up and that if I wanted it to work I needed to just learn to trust. Even in the moments I was physically sick to my stomach I kept listening to my brain and my friends telling me it was just my own issues. Conclusion: he was completely beyond untrustworthy. I needed to listen to that gut feeling and I would have been spared a lot of suffering. BUT I would not have learned the valuable lesson and so it was not a complete waste. But you live and you learn and repeating the same mistakes over and over is the definition of insanity. Avoid the insanity and learn to listen to that gnawing feeling in your gut that tells you when you are or are not on the right path, I promise it will never steer you wrong and the more you listen to it the closer you get to that pure internal happiness called bliss ♥

Love & Light,
Janine XO