Happy Saturday!
Yesterday on periscope we chatted about how Love can possibly heal?
Sounds a little “out there”, ya ya, love heals all, we’ve heard it before. But where is the truth in this? I’ll tell you..
If you haven’t caught on by now, everything is energy, that is a fact, we are energy. Well love too is an energetic vibration, one of the highest vibrations actually, right up there with joy!
The energetic vibration of love and joy can literally reprogram your dna.
So, how does this lead to healing?
It is not just the idea or presence of love that heals, it is the belief on a cellular level that is the foundation for healing.
1. Believing that you are worthy of the kind of love that will create a foundation for healing is the first step. Knowing you deserve a body and mind that are healthy & whole creates a ripple effect throughout your body.
2. Creating changes everyday that prove you are ready and willing to heal is your next step. Choosing what you eat from the belief that you love yourself enough to eat healthy, whole foods that nourish and replenish your cells.
3. Removing yourself from people and situations that do not serve or support your highest health and highest self. Toxic people are just as bad as toxic food, toxic air and toxic beliefs and they have no place on your healing journey.
4. Affirmations. Affirming a statement creates the belief in your min d and body that it is true. Just saying an affirmation won’t do though, you have to say it in a way that you believe it in every cell and fibre of your being.
“I am love”
“I am worthy”
“I love YOU”(you being..YOU)
“I am worthy of health, love & happiness”
etc. etc.
Reciting these in the mirror make them even more effective as you are staring right into your own eyes as you tell yourself these things you know to be true!
Love and joy are the highest frequencies and disease cannot exist in a body with a high vibrational frequency, that is just science! SO keep vibing high, eating well, surrounding yourself with people who lift you up not bring you down and believe at the core of your very being that you are worthy and deserving of love and you will feel the shifts towards health that you have been hoping for.
**I am offering 1/2 off my 1:1 coaching program right now for 3 more people who are ready to take this next step in their health and wellness journey. This offer will only be available for 5 more days so if this is something you have been wanting for yourself for awhile, now is the time!
You can book your FREE call with me here to decide if working together is the right fit : https://www.janineaf.com/discoverycall/
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Much Love from my heart to yours, xo
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