How to Love the Bad Things That Have Happened to You


love all the bad things that have happened to you


This concept might sound crazy.

How can I love the bad things that have happened to me? How can I love that I was once in an abusive relationship? How can I love that I disrespected my body for years? How can I love that I had my heart broken by someone I swore I was going to marry? How can I love that I am sick/injured? And the list goes on…

It’s easy to hate the bad things that happen in our lives it almost comes naturally to have negative feelings right after something bad happens and you are not wrong to feel this way, but what if you chose not to stay there?

Every perceptually bad thing that happens to you is a blessing of some sort. It has happened to shake you up and wake you up, it has happened to remind you of your aliveness and to remind you that there are greater things out there in the universe than just this one thing and it opens you up to the opportunity to explore and discover what is left.

What if you loved that time your heart got broken because it broke you out of something that was not meant for you and opened you up to the possibility of an even greater love, even if it is not here yet.

What If you loved your cancer, or heart attack or diabetes because these symptoms reminded you that something has gone wrong inside your body & your life but you are still alive and you now have the chance to make it right?
You have the chance now to choose better more nourishing foods, you have the chance to look at the relationships around you and see which ones are true and which ones are toxic and no longer belong, you get the chance to get even more in tune with your body and listen to what it needs from you and spend your time and energy nourishing it back to vibrant beautiful health and enjoy a lasting healthy relationship with your self.

What if you loved the people who left you because they left room for even better people to find you?

Everything that happens to you, happens for you. You have the choice to make each time something happens in how you are going to react to it, how you are going to deal with it and how you are going to overcome it.

You can either love it, or hate it. But when you choose to hate it you choose a host of other emotions that lead you down a path that turns into physical ailments in your body, I mean did you know that holding onto anger and guilt bares a heavy burden on your liver and gallbladder? Every negative emotion brings with it a physical manifestation of some sort.

So many people sit and dwell in their losses, their pains, their struggle and in turn they never truly move forward in life, is that you?

What can you take today, that has happened to you in your life, and count the blessings in it and learn to love it for what it is?

This won’t be easy when you choose something like the loss of a loved one but I promise if you dig a little deeper than the surface of the pain you will start to see the light shining in. You will see the blessings no matter how small they are. You will see that in every negative thing that happens to you, there is a positive and if you stay in that positive light, everything that happens to you will start to look like blessings.

The flat tire, the broken phone, the missed appointment, there is opportunity for love in all of these.

For now, start with something small but significant that has happened in your life that has been hard on you and ask your self these questions:

1.  Has something similar to this happened in the past?
2. Did I survive that situation?
3. Am I surviving this situation?
4. What is the worst thing about this situation?
5. What are 3 good things that have, or will, come from this situation?
6. What can I do right now to change the way I see this situation?

Whether it’s journalling about it, going for a walk or talking with someone you love &/or trust go ahead and put your answers to #6 into action right away.

When you start to see how you can love the bad things that happened to you you will realize that the universe is on your side. Everything is happening for you so you can live the life you are meant to live, it’s up to you if you are going to take it and run with it, or let it drag you down.

If you want to talk out these questions with someone, feel free to send me an email @ for some more clarity


Much Love and Light
