6 Easy Tips for Staying Healthy Over the Holidays

A few weeks ago I got to make an appearance on our local cable channel program “Georgina Life”. With all the options of things to talk about and educate on, I thought the best topic for this time of year would be how to stay healthy over the holidays, made easy.

Let’s face it, no one wants to be on a strict diet over the most wonderful food time of the year. With that said I am not one for “Strict dieting” and prefer the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy whole foods and 20% other enjoyable foods and snacks that don’t always necessarily fall into the “healthy” category.

I like to employ simple, easy to follow steps to staying healthy and on track. During the yummy holidays and all year round.

To make it easy to follow I created my 6 Easy Tips using the acronym “H E A L T H” (I LOVE acronyms!)

So here they are

avl-letter-upper-case-h-stretched-wall-art-fushia-lgHave a plan.

Having a plan for your meals for the week ahead is the best line of defense against overindulging. Create a meal plan for your breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks (or have a nutritionist customize one for you ;)), create your grocery list based on your plan, go shopping and then prep your food for the week.
Having your meals pre planned and pre made makes it a lot easier to avoid over eating at the office pot luck or after work christmas parties.


Eat before you go! If you are going to any type of celebration that is going to have food, make sure you eat first.
When you are already satisfied from a healthy home made meal the chances of you over indulging and over eating at a party are smaller.

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Always bring a dish with you. If you are going to a party/celebration be sure to make and bring your own healthy snack/dish. This will ensure you have at least 1 good thing to eat over the course of the evening and may even inspire more healthy dishes in the future.

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Let your friends drink, you drive! This is not only a generous gesture it will make sure that you don’t over do it on empty calories consumed from alcohol.


Take your supplements! This time of year is especially important to be amping up the support for your immune system, digestion and energy.

My top supplement recommendations are:

Vitamin D3-Mulsion


Juice Plus+


Hydrate! Last but certainly not least! If there is ONE thing you do EXCELLENT this season it is stay hydrated! There are SO many negative side effects to being dehydrated that would probably surprise you. Try to aim for 3 liters of water a day, this can include non-caffeinated herbal teas, and if you end up at around 2 liters you’re still doing alright!

I hope this 6 Step acronym is helpful in reminding you how to stay healthy over the holidays!

If you drink, please do so responsibly.

And hey, don’t forget to enjoy your self!

If you want any more information on One On One Nutrition & Lifestyle Consulting, or Purchasing Supplements please contact me at: info@janineaf.com

Love, Light & Holiday Cheer!

Janine <3